Thursday, March 16, 2006

www is important

My Department thinks that web programming is not "academic."  Well I'm surprised all our projects for 435 is somewhat web based.  The www is important I think my department needs to start thinking about this.  CMS uses the web to send information to a web server running apache, GIS is a web based map system, Collapse uses a web portal somehow to interract with some users.  See, I think the web is just important.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Robots on the Web

So I just discovered that you could actually block spiders from crawling your site.  I wanted that for the Church's site, but I didn't know how (I actually didn't bother to read up on it).  But anyway, I know now that in order to do that put a robots.txt file in the root directory.

so now, i need to protect the forums site by putting a robots.txt into the root directory